Published on 19 June 2024

Statement from the Mayor on the vandalism of Member for Macnamara Josh Burns’ office

Glen Eira Mayor, Cr Anne-Marie Cade has made a statement on the vandalism of Member for Macnamara Josh Burns’ office in St Kilda.

We strongly condemn the recent attacks on Australian politicians’ offices, including last night’s vandalism of Member for Macnamara Josh Burns’ office in St Kilda.

Glen Eira is a proudly diverse community of many faiths, cultures and backgrounds, including home to Australia’s largest Jewish population.

Acts of intimidation or violence based on antisemitism, islamophobia, or other religious or political motivations have no place in Australia or Glen Eira.

We stand with the Member for Macnamara, who represents Glen Eira’s north-western suburbs in the Australian Parliament, in condemning these disgraceful acts of vandalism.

We know members of our community have been concerned by these recent events and today we reaffirm that no one should ever feel unsafe in their community.

We will continue to work with other levels of government to confront and stamp out hatred in all its forms.

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