2024 Local Government Election:

The local government election period is from Tuesday 17 September, 12pm until Saturday 26 October 2024, 6pm. For more information, visit our Election page.

Carnegie Swim Centre Redevelopment

We Asked — You Said — We Did is our way of showing how your feedback contributes to our decisions. Check out how you helped develop the Carnegie Swim Centre Redevelopment. 

We asked

We asked our community questions about the architectural concept design for the Carnegie Swim Centre Redevelopment via Glen Eira Have Your Say. They were: 

  • How strongly do you agree with the statement: the concept design sits well within the landscape?
  • How strongly do you agree with the statement: I am generally supportive of the current  concept design

You said

The survey results were as follows:

  • 80.9% either ‘agreed’ or ‘strongly agreed’ that the concept design sits well within the landscape.
  • 78.9% of the community were supportive of the concept design presented.

Community feedback referred to numerous aspects of the design, such as maintaining the current swim centre’s nostalgic feel, retaining the eastern hill, inclusion of brickwork into the design and providing shaded areas outdoors. Community feedback was also received on the traffic and parking report. Overall, the community were very positive and supportive of the concept design.

We did

Council noted the community consultation feedback received in relation to the architectural concept design and the traffic and parking analysis. At the 1 September 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council endorsed the concept design. Community feedback received will be analysed further during the design phase.