2024 Local Government Election:

The local government election period is from Tuesday 17 September, 12pm until Saturday 26 October 2024, 6pm. For more information, visit our Election page.

Proposed new name for park in Caulfield South

We Asked — You Said — We Did is our way of showing how your feedback contributes to our decisions. Check out how you helped name our new park in Caulfield South.

We asked

Over November and December 2020, we asked for community feedback on the proposed name for a new park in Caulfield South. The proposed location-based name — Aileen Avenue Park — was put forward to make it easy for the community and emergency services to find the parkThe proposed name met the requirements of the Geographic Place Names Act.

We asked residents, and the wider Glen Eira community if they were in support of the proposed name.

You said

You told us there was strong support for Aileen Avenue Park. We received some suggestions of either variants of the proposed name or an alternative name for the park.

We reviewed these suggestions and found they did not offer historical or indigenous links or meet the Geographic Place Names Act requirements.

We did

We prepared a feedback report for Council to review. In May 2021, the Council endorsed the name of Aileen Avenue Park and authorised officers to apply to register the name with the Office of Geographic Names. 

The Aileen Avenue Park name has now been registered and gazetted. The park will be officially opened on Wednesday 30 March 2022.

Artist impression of new park - woman walking dog
Artist impression — Aileen Avenue Park