Email marketing basics

Email marketing can be a double-edged sword for businesses. Do it well, and it can drive sales and keep your audience engaged. Do it badly, though, and it might have the opposite effect.

This digital masterclass will explain how an email marketing strategy can help small business. It will explain how email is a valuable relationship tool, what best practice looks like (and doesn’t look like) in email marketing, how to avoid falling into a spam trap, and how different campaign types can benefit your business.

Watch: Email marketing basics

Key takeaways

  • Email marketing is a valuable relationship development tool. It's applicable at any stage of the buyer journey and it traditionally offers a high ROI.
  • There are different types of email marketing campaign. They include newsletters, acquisition emails, retention emails, and promotional emails. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to send emails weekly. Rather, only send when you have something to say.
  • Don’t fall into the spam trap. The key is to offer content that people want, rather than content that your business thinks people should know. Send email with a purpose and do it sparingly.
  • The key ingredients to an effective marketing email:
    1. An effective email speaks to the individual, not the masses.
    2. Specific timing — take the time to identify how your customers move through your sales funnel.
    3. A strong, compelling message — always talk about something that you know will interest your customers.
    4. Minimal jargon or selling language — keep industry talk to a minimum, and make your message short and snappy.
    5. Clear call to action — perhaps the most important component. Always have a strong call to action at the top and bottom of the email. Be specific in what it is, and always try to make it something that the recipient can execute directly from the email.


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