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Engaging with your audience through digital

Digital platforms make it easier than ever to engage with customers and prospects. This masterclass shows you how personalisation and learning from customer feedback can get you the best results.

Watch: Engaging with your audience through digital

Key takeaways

  • Why engage through digital? Digital channels are often (at first) free, easily accessible, and (when used right) efficient tools for reaching audiences and developing customer relationships.
  • Social media as a feedback tool. Social media is, unsurprisingly, a popular channel for obtaining customer feedback, whether it's Facebook comments, likes, poll reactions, and direct messages; or Instagram comments and direct messages. There are, of course, many other ways on social media for obtaining feedback.
  • Feedback forms as an engagement tool. Feedback forms are another way of understanding what customers are thinking. Common examples include Microsoft Forms, App ratings, email surveys, website polls, and Google Forms.
  • Why online reviews matter? Reviews matter. In fact, 82% of people who intend to make a purchase will read relevant online reviews beforehand. Among people aged 35 to 54, it's 93%.
  • Get more responses when requesting feedback. You can ask customers to rate their experience after a purchase. Consider providing a financial incentive to leave a review, or use automation (like emails). While you’re at it, use video or graphics to share good feedback stories.


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