Bundled branch collections:

We are experiencing delays to our bundled branch collections (including the collection of Christmas trees) due to many bookings over the holiday period. If your scheduled collection has been impacted, please leave it on your nature strip and it will be collected as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and apologise for any delays.

Small business guide to Instagram

From humble beginnings in 2010 as a photo sharing platform, Instagram has grown to become a marketing and ecommerce behemoth that generates billions of dollars of revenue for businesses every year.

Although Instagram has a powerful and wide-reaching presence in Australia, only 32% of small and medium-sized businesses use Instagram as part of their social media strategy. This presents a unique opportunity to businesses who are struggling to establish a presence on the crowded photo and video-sharing platform.

This page explores how Instagram is used in Australia, how it can benefit small business and the steps you can take to get started on the platform.

Instagram in Australia: key statistics

Image content

At it's core, Instagram is a visual platform that engages through photos, videos and other images. To be successful on Instagram, businesses need to regularly post images in their main feed as well as using the stories function.


These are words or phrases you see on social media preceded by the hashtag (#) symbol. First debuted in 2007, hashtags are used to connect social media content to a specific topic.

When you hashtag a post, it becomes visible within that particular topic and accessible to anyone who searches the hashtag. The use of hashtags enables you to connect with new audiences interested in a topic niche through likes, shares, comments and new followers.

Setting up an Instagram account

Getting started on Instagram is a very straightforward process. Download the Instagram app for iOS from the App Store, Android from Google Play store or Windows Phone from the Windows Phone Store. Once the app is installed on your mobile phone, tap to open it and follow the instructions.

Last updated 30 March 2021


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