Our Vision is for Glen Eira to be a place where people feel safe and able to participate in community life. We want our community to be connected, inclusive and supportive of all individuals and groups.
Community safety
We aim to support the community to be resilient and informed, actively engaged and empowered to make decisions for their own and others safety.
We are committed to providing a safe community for everyone who lives, works and plays in Glen Eira. We all have the right to feel safe, respected, and to live our lives free from violence, harassment and bullying. We play a big part in creating a safe environment where everyone can participate in activities and interests within their community.
Creating and maintaining a safe community involves engaging the different levels of government, organisations and groups that have a role in the Glen Eira community. Achieving a safe community requires collaboration and strong partnerships. Most importantly, we work closely with the community as they have an important role to play in contributing to community safety.
Community Safety Plan
Our Glen Eira Community Safety Plan 2022–2025 has been a collaboration between Council, the Glen Eira Community Safety Committee, the community and other stakeholders. We aimed to build an understanding of the context and issues relevant to Glen Eira, our shared strategic priorities and to provide a co-ordinated and integrated response.
The Glen Eira Community Safety Plan 2022–2025 outlines the strategic activities that Council will undertake to improve safety and security for the community. This Plan focuses these activities through three key themes:
- A strong, resilient, inclusive and connected community
- Living safely and securely
- Creating safe public spaces and transport.
The Community Safety Plan 2022–25 (PDF 6Mb) sets a clear vision for a safe and secure Glen Eira. It recognises the need for different areas of the community to work together to create a safer environment for people in which to work, live, study and play. This means building partnerships between police, partners and community organisations and residents to achieve this vision.
The actions within the Glen Eira Community Safety Plan 2022–2025 were collated from information via community engagement, Community Safety Snapshot 2021 (PDF), Key Achievements from the Community Safety Action Plan 2020–2021 (PDF) and the previous Glen Eira Community Safety Plan — Action Plan 2020–2022 (PDF).
The Community Safety Plan 2022–25 contains 31 actions to be implemented over three years.
Building Safer Communities Forum
On Monday 22 July 2024, we held the Building Safer Communities Forum. The purpose of the forum was to hear from experts on youth safety and how to support young people at risk and participate in discussions on how we can build a safer community for young people.
Find out more about the forum in this report and visual snapshots:
- Glen Eira City Council Building Safer Communities Forum: Summary Report (PDF)
- Glen Eira City Council Building Safer Communities Forum: Visual Snapshot (PDF)
These images were captured as a visual snapshot of the discussions during the forum.