Bundled branch collections:

We are experiencing delays to our bundled branch collections (including the collection of Christmas trees) due to many bookings over the holiday period. If your scheduled collection has been impacted, please leave it on your nature strip and it will be collected as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and apologise for any delays.

Parking rules

It’s important to understand the meaning of parking signs. This will ensure that parking restrictions have their intended benefits, and that you’re not fined for parking illegally.

On this page

Parking signs are designed to be read top to bottom, left to right. While the most important restrictions are often at the top of the parking sign, it is important to read the whole sign and determine what restrictions apply.

= Parking | S = Stopping | C = Clearway

Strike through circle
= prohibited | Number = the amount of time permitted for parking | Times = when this sign applies | Arrow = the direction in which the sign applies | Metered = payment must be made

Time-limited parking

Parking at a time-limited parking sign means you are only permitted to park for the specified amount of time on the sign.

For example, if you were to park at this sign, you can park for 2 hours only between 8am to 6pm on Monday to Saturday. You can park for longer than 2 hours outside of these times, or on Sunday.

After the allocated time is up, a vehicle must be completely removed from the parking area prior to being re-parked to avoid committing an offence.

Moving a vehicle to another parking space in the same area does not mean that the vehicle has left the parking area.

In Glen Eira, you can park over the allocated hours if you have a valid Residential Parking Permit for a certain street. To find out more, please visit our Residential parking permits page.

Please note: your time starts when your car stops in the parking bay, not when you leave the car.

2P time-limited parking sign, 8am to 6pm, Monday to Saturday

Parking rule number
205 — Parked for period longer than Indicated

Offence code (shown on infringement): 701

Metered time-limited parking

Parking at a metered time-limited parking means you are only permitted to park for the allocated time on the sign with payment.

For example, if you were to park at Sign A, you need to pay for parking between 8am to 6pm on Monday to Friday. You can park for free outside these hours and all day on Saturdays and Sundays.

Category 1 Disabled Parking Permit holders are exempt from payments at metered time-limited parking signs, as seen in Sign B. Find out more on disability parking sign information below.

Sign A: P Ticket 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday Ticket Machine | Sign B: Category 1 Disabled Parking Permit Exempt from purchasing a ticket

Parking rule number
207 — Meter expired/no valid ticket

Offence code (shown on infringement): 702

No Parking

Parking at a No Parking sign means you can stop in the area to pick up or drop off passengers or goods. You may stop for up to 2 minutes or the time otherwise stated on the sign, as long as you remain within 3 metres of the vehicle.

A No Parking sign with a specific time length.

For example, Sign A you can park for up to 2 minutes as long as you are dropping off or picking up passengers or goods and remain within 3 metres of the vehicle.

And Sign B, you can park for up to 10 minutes as long as you are dropping off or picking up passengers or goods and remain within 3 metres of the vehicle.

Sign A, no parking P with a circle cross and Sign B can park for upto 10 minutes

Parking rule number
168 — Parked, contrary to a No Parking Sign

Offence code (shown on infringement): 607

No Stopping

Stopping at a No Stopping sign is prohibited at any time, for any reason.

For example, Sign A you can not stop your vehicle at any time in a No Stopping zone, or if there’s a continuous yellow line on the edge of the road.

Time-allocated No Stopping

Stopping at a Time-allocated No Stopping sign is prohibited only at the specified times on the sign.

For example, Sign B you can stop at this sign outside of the specified times. But can not stop at this sign between 7am to 9am and 4pm to 6pm, Monday to Friday.

These signs are in place to increase the flow of traffic during peak periods.

Please note that these signs are often found above green time-limited parking signs, and it is important to check all signage before stopping.

Parking rule number
167 — Stopped, contrary to a No Stopping Sign

Offence code (shown on infringement): 793


Stopping at a Clearway sign is prohibited at any time, for any reason, unless you are one of the following:

  • The driver of a public bus or public minibus if the driver is dropping off, or picking up, passengers.
  • The driver of a commercial passenger vehicle while providing a commercial passenger vehicle service if the driver is dropping off, or picking up, passengers.

For example, if not one of the above, you can stop at the sign outside of the allocated times. But you can not stop at this sign between 7am to 9am or 4pm to 7pm on Monday to Friday.

Parking rule number
176 — Stopped, on a clearway

Offence code (shown on infringement): 800

Loading zone

Stopping or parking at a Loading Zone sign is prohibited unless you are one of the following authorised vehicles:

  1. Licensed commercial passenger vehicles (taxis, buses and hire vehicles).
  2. Trucks, vans, utilities and other vehicles constructed principally for carrying loads.
  3. Sedans, station wagons, motor cycles and other similar delivery or courier vehicles with a permanently fixed sign on both sides of the body on the body of the vehicle. Signs must be at least 50mm high and be of proportional width, in clear contrast with the background and clearly legible from a distance of five metres.

Sign A — An unauthorised vehicle can not stop at this sign at any time.
Sign B — An unauthorised vehicle can not stop at this sign between 9am to 4pm on Monday to Fridays.

Please note that drivers of a commercial passenger vehicle can only stop in a loading zone if they are dropping off or picking up passengers or goods.

Parking rule number
179 — Stopped, in a loading zone

Offence code (shown on infringement): 720

Bus Zone

Only public buses are permitted to stop at a Bus Zone.

Please note: a vehicle cannot park within 20 metres before a sign on the road that indicates the bus stop, and within 10 metres after the sign, unless the driver stops at a place on a length of road, or in an area, to which a parking control sign applies, and the driver is permitted to stop at that place under these Rules.

Parking rule number
195 — Stopped within 20 metres to the approach and 10 meters to the departure side of a bus zone, unless otherwise signed.​

Offence code (shown on infringement): 727

Mail Zone

Stopping at a Mail Zone is prohibited unless you are an Australia Post employee or contractor that has clear Australia Post signage.

Please note you cannot stop in a mail Zone if you are visiting the Post Office or dropping off mail.

Parking rule number
186 — Stopped, in a mail zone

Offence code (shown on infringement): 724

Taxi Zone

Only registered taxis are permitted to stop at a Taxi Zone.

Please note that commercial passenger vehicles are not permitted to stop in TAXI ZONES.

Sign A — you would not be permitted to stop at this sign unless you are a registered taxi

Sign B —  you would only be permitted to park in this area for 2 hours from 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday, and 8am to 12pm Saturdays. Any time outside of that would be prohibited unless you are driving a taxi.

Parking rule number
182 — Stopped, in a taxi zone

Offence code (shown on infringement): 726

Work Zone

Stopping at a Work Zone sign is prohibited unless you are driving a vehicle registered to be used for construction work in the works zone.

For example, you would not be permitted to stop at the sign from 7am to 6pm Monday to Saturday unless your vehicle is being used for construction work in the works zone. You may park unrestricted outside of the times specified.

Parking rule number
181 — Stopped, in a works zone

Offence code (shown on infringement): 725

Disability Parking

Parking at a Disability Parking sign is prohibited unless you or your passenger have a valid Category 1 Disabled Parking Permit. Permit holders may also park at a Time-Allocated parking sign for double the amount of time specified.
For example, if a Time-Allocated parking sign says 1P, the holder of a Disabled Parking Permit may park for up to 2 hours.

To find out more, visit our Disability parking permits page.

Parking rule number
203 — Stopping, in a parking area for people with disabilities

Offence code (shown on infringement): 803

Permit Zone

Vehicles are only permitted to park in a Permit Zone if they display a valid Residential Parking Permit issued by Council.

To find out more, visit our Residential parking permits page

For example, from 6pm to midnight vehicles are only permitted to park at this sign if they display a valid Residential Parking Permit.

Parking rule number
185 — Stopped, in a permit zone

Offence code (shown on infringement): 728

No Parking School Zones

No Parking areas outside of schools (otherwise known as Kiss and Go parking) are designed to provide safe and convenient pick up and drop off areas for the school community.

The No Parking (Kiss and Go) zones are for short-term stopping only. They are located to ensure consistent turnover of vehicles during peak pick up/drop off periods.

At a No Parking (Kiss and Go) sign, a vehicle is permitted to stop for up to 2 minutes, while children safely exit or enter the car. The driver must remain within three metres the vehicle.

Sign A — advisory sign.
Sign B — For example, you would be prohibited to park at the sign for longer than 2 minutes from 8.30am to 9.30 AM or 2.30pm to 4pm on School days. Outside of those times, you are permitted to park.

Parking rule number
168 — Parked, contrary to a No Parking Sign

Offence code (shown on infringement): 607

Parking for seniors and people with prams

In some locations across the City, you will see green or pink painted parking bays and signs. These mark out parking spaces for use by seniors (green) and people with prams (pink). While the use of these spaces are not enforced and you won’t be fined for parking in them if you are not a senior or parent, respecting the appropriate use of these spaces is important.

Parent and seniors parking is part of our Parking Policy and our focus on providing parking to those in the community most in need. Read more, visit our Parking Policy page.

Other parking rules

Please note that it is the driver’s responsibility to understand and abide by the Road Safety Road Rules 2017.

However, below are some common Road Rules that don’t require signage.

Rule 170: Stopping in or near an intersection

  • An intersection with traffic lights: vehicles must be parked 20 meters away
  • An intersection without traffic lights: vehicles must be parked 10 meters away

Rule 197: Stopped on a nature strip or footpath

  • It is prohibited to stop on a nature strip or footpath for any reason/length

* exceptions are made for motorcycles if they are not causing obstruction

Rule 198: Parked on or across a driveway

  • Obstructing access to a driveway is prohibited and poses a risk in the event of an emergency.
  • A vehicle must not be left unattended or be stopped for longer than two minutes when dropping off/picking up passengers in this manner.

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