Bundled branch collections:

We are experiencing delays to our bundled branch collections (including the collection of Christmas trees) due to many bookings over the holiday period. If your scheduled collection has been impacted, please leave it on your nature strip and it will be collected as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and apologise for any delays.

Carnegie and Bentleigh Structure Plan Heritage Review Planning Scheme Amendment C190glen

The Glen Eira City Council has prepared Amendment C190glen to the Glen Eira Planning Scheme. The land affected by the amendment includes the following land parcels and precincts in Bentleigh, Carnegie and Brighton East.

On this page

Land affected by the Amendment

The Amendment applies to 15 individual heritage places, 9 heritage precincts and 1 precinct extension in Bentleigh and Carnegie. 

What does the amendment do?

The Amendment proposes to implement the recommendations of the

  • Glen Eira Heritage Review of Bentleigh and Carnegie Structure Plan Areas (Residential) 2019 Stage 2 Report prepared by RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd.
  • Glen Eira Heritage Review of Bentleigh and Carnegie Structure Plan Areas (Commercial) 2018 Stage 2 Report prepared by RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd.
  • Former Methodist Church, 254 Neerim Road and 1A Toolambool Road, Carnegie reviewed and prepared by Heritage Alliance (2019).

The amendment seeks to make changes to the Glen Eira Planning Scheme to implement the recommendations of the above listed heritage reports, through changes to the Municipal Strategic Statement, local planning policy, Heritage Overlay, Design and Development Overlay, Neighbourhood Character Overlay, operational provisions and planning scheme maps.  The detailed list of proposed changes is included in the Explanatory Report, which can be found at document three below. 

Why is the Amendment required?

In 2018 and 2019, Council engaged heritage consultants to identify potential heritage places in Bentleigh and Carnegie. The respective studies focussed separately on the commercial and residential areas of that land within the Bentleigh and Carnegie designated activity centre boundaries.

A review of the existing citation for the former Methodist Church located at 254 Neerim Road/1A Toolambool Road Carnegie was also prepared.

In response to the findings and recommendations of these studies, Council has adopted all studies, and  has prepared a proposed planning scheme amendment which aims to protect those identified heritage places. 

The Heritage Overlay is the appropriate planning mechanism to protect the heritage values of this precinct as the Heritage Overlay requires a planning permit to be granted for buildings and works, including demolition, that could affect the significance of the precinct.

Panel Hearing

The Panel Hearing took place on Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 October 2020.

Council received the Panel Report from Planning Panels Victoria on 23 December 2020 detailing their recommendations for the Bentleigh and Carnegie Structure Plan Areas.

The Panel recommends the Amendment C190 be adopted as exhibited with a few minor changes contained in the report.  


Council adopted Amendment C190 on 16 March 2021 in accordance with the Panel's recommendations. Refer to the Tuesday 16 March 2021 Council Meeting Minutes.

Officers will now submit the adopted amendment to the Minister for Planning for final approval in accordance with Section 31 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. After the Minister approves the amendment, the changes to the Heritage Overlay will be included in the Glen Eira Planning Scheme.

Interactive map

To see an interactive map of the area.

Panel Report

Glen Eira C190 Panel Report

Council's Part A Submission

Council's Part A Submission was circulated on Monday 19 October 2020.

Expert Witness Statements

Anthony Hemingway's expert evidence statement – October 2020

John Briggs expert evidence statement – 19 October 2020

Amendment Documents