Some toiletry packaging can be recycled whilst others belong in the red bin.
These items, once empty, go in the yellow recycling bin:
- Plastic bottles (shampoo, conditioner, body wash, liquid soap) or pots (lip balm, moisturiser)
- Cardboard (toothpaste boxes and toilet rolls)
- Metal or glass pots (lip balm, sunscreen, solid toothpaste)
These items go in the red general waste bin:
- Empty aerosol cans (deodorant, hair spray, etc.)
- Cosmetics packaging
- Toothbrushes
- Toothpaste tubes
- Safety razors
- Cotton buds
- Dental floss and dental floss containers
Electronics can be taken to our e-waste recycling hubs, located at all Glen Eira Libraries and Moorleigh Community Village.
- Hair dryers, straighteners, curlers.
- Electric razors
- Electric toothbrushes
Hazardous cleaning products or cosmetics can be taken to Detox Your Home events, run by Sustainability Victoria.
Reuse Tip: Bulk stores and refill services are great ways to reduce the amount of packaging you use.
See also: Medicines, Blister packs, Cosmetics.