Hard rubbish online bookings and Near me are currently unavailable.

To make a hard rubbish booking, contact us on 9524 3333. For Near me visit our online mapping tool. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

Plastic free Elsternwick

From October 2019 to March 2020, we supported 18 businesses on Glen Huntly Road to reduce and replace commonly used single-use plastic items with reusable or compostable alternatives. These items included water bottles, food ware (cutlery, cups, plates, bowls), straws, coffee cups/lids, takeaway containers and plastic bags.

As part of the trial, the businesses eliminated more than 25,000 pieces of single-use plastic. Most businesses eliminated at least one type of plastic. Incredibly, four businesses have eliminated single-use plastic packaging entirely. Well done to these amazing businesses.

The six-month trial helped us understand how we can best support businesses in Glen Eira go plastic free.

More plastic has been produced in the last ten years than the 100 years prior. About 40 per cent of the plastics we consume as individuals are single-use. Plastic is made from fossil fuels like oil, natural gas and even coal.


Reducing our use of single-use plastics is an important way for everybody to live more sustainably and prevent ocean pollution. Businesses in Glen Eira have an important role to play in reducing our use of plastics.

If you’re a business owner in Glen Eira and interested in reducing your use of single-use plastics, contact the sustainability team on 9524 3333.

Download a copy of the Plastic Free Elsternwick Outcomes Report, April 2020 linked below.

Tips on how to reduce your use of plastics

  1. Say no to plastic bags. Use your own or go without one!
  2. Choose unwrapped produce or use your own bags.
  3. Use a reusable water bottle and ask cafes for a refill.
  4. Ditch the coffee cup and use your own reusable coffee cup.
  5. Straws suck! Most drinks don’t need them. If you do like straws, opt for a metal or paper one.
  6. Use real plates, cups, and cutlery. Remember that most ‘paper’ plates and cups are lined with plastic.
  7. Recycle right! Separate your soft plastics and take them to your local Coles or Woolworths RedCycle program.
  8. Say no to balloons — especially if they’re going to be released outdoors. They can travel for large distances and end up as litter on land or in the ocean.

Support businesses that are reducing their single-use plastic and let them know you appreciate their efforts.

For further information, contact sustainability@gleneira.vic.gov.au

  • Plastic free Elsternwick

Who was involved?

Bad Liar
Bad Liar
Benjamin's Patisserie
Benjamin's Patisserie
Dalgarno's of Elaternwick
Dalgarno's of Elsternwick
Hattams Menswear
Hattams Menswear
Healthy Point
Healthy Point
Party Bazaar
Party Bazaar
Trialto Meats
Trialto Meats
Tokyo Deli
Tokyo Deli
Bang Bang
Bang Bang
Blight Shoe Repairs and Traditional Tobacconist
Blight Shoe Repairs and Traditional Tobacconist
Creswick Natural Fibres
Creswick Natural Fibres
Dirito's Quality Fruits
Dirito's Quality Fruits
Glo Health
Glo Health
Hanoi Hannah
Hanoi Hannah
Hunter & Co Deli
Hunter & Co Deli
The One Korea
The One Korea