Teen school holiday program booking information

Bookings open Monday 10 June at 9am and close Friday 21 June at 5pm.

On this page

Bookings for activities are made online and places are limited.

Booking information:

  • The Glen Eira Teen School Holiday is open to young people aged 12 up to 18 years old. All participants must Live, Work or Study in the City of Glen Eira

  • Bookings for activities are made online only and places are limited with no waitlist

  • All bookings once made are considered final, non-transferable, and non-refundable.

  • If your child requires additional support to participate in the Teen School Holiday program, please contact 9524 3676 to discuss activities and support requirements before booking.

  • Program terms and conditions will apply and can be found on the TryBooking page. Please read these carefully before booking.

  • Permission to leave forms and waivers will be sent out via email once a booking is made and must be completed and returned before the day of the activity.

  • Bookings are not secured until necessary forms have been completed and returned to Glen Eira Youth Services before bookings close.

 General Information:

  • All staff for the Glen Eira Teen School Holiday Program are fully qualified youth workers. At least one staff member will have a first aid certificate.

  • All participants need to be signed in and out at pick up and drop off, unless otherwise arranged with youth workers

  • Permission to leave must be provided before the day of the activity in written format.

  • Participants will be responsible for their own belongings, including money and valuables at each activity.

  • Activities will go ahead subject to weather conditions. If it is deemed too hot or wet, or if air quality is compromised, Youth Services reserves the right to cancel all activities and will endeavour to hold an online event instead.

 Covid Safe Information:

  • All staff and participants must maintain social distancing when possible.

  • Participants are required to bring their own water bottle, snacks, and lunch (when necessary).

  • All equipment will be sanitised by staff before and after the programs.

  • When required, participants must check-in to school holiday venues (listed below) on arrival.

  • Proof of vaccination if over the age of 12 and 2 months may be required based on current legislation.

*By accessing this link, you will be leaving the Glen Eira City Council’s website. Any payment made through the TryBooking website is subject to the terms and conditions of use of that site. Glen Eira City Council accepts no responsibility for any payment or other usage made of the TryBooking site and is not liable for any loss or damage resulting from use of that site.