05 July 2019
2019 Sounds of Glen Eira

Four piece pop-punk band Stand Out was crowned the winner of the 2019 Sounds of Glen Eira on Friday 28 June.
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Published on 01 February 2021
Council has been using reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) in its annual road resurfacing works.
As part of its commitment to protect the environment, Council has been using reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) in its annual road resurfacing works.
Around 20 per cent of the total quantity of asphalt used for road resurfacing is RAP. This has resulted in an 18 per cent reduction in adverse environmental effects by not using quarried crushed rock in asphalt plants.
Glen Eira Mayor Cr Margaret Esakoff said in its continued effort to make Glen Eira a more sustainable place to live, Council recently trialled the use of PolyPave, also known as green asphalt, in its resurfacing works.
“Green asphalt contains a range of recycled materials, including plastic, recycled glass and RAP,” she said.
“We recently trialled green asphalt on three streets in Bentleigh East — Brosnan Road, Dega Avenue and Brosa Avenue.
“Around 15,000 two-litre plastic bottles and 110,000 glass bottles were recycled into the road.
“The trial not only decreased landfill by 200 tonnes — the equivalent of 3,000 wheelie bins of waste glass and plastic — but also reduced carbon emissions by 1,260 kilograms.”
05 July 2019
Four piece pop-punk band Stand Out was crowned the winner of the 2019 Sounds of Glen Eira on Friday 28 June.
17 July 2019
Despite reported issues with SKM recycling facilities and major disruptions in the recycling industry, Council’s recycling service remains unaffected and recyclables from our waste services are not going to landfill.
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