Bundled branch collections:

We are experiencing delays to our bundled branch collections (including the collection of Christmas trees) due to many bookings over the holiday period. If your scheduled collection has been impacted, please leave it on your nature strip and it will be collected as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and apologise for any delays.

Alcohol, vaping, smoking and drug support

We recognise that alcohol vaping, smoking and drugs can cause significant problems in the community. We have information to support you, particularly around education and helping you access the right services.

On this page


Alcohol is Australia’s most widely used drug and is one of the top ten avoidable causes of disease and death in Victoria.

While harm from alcohol can increase the risk of developing long-term health conditions including cancer, and liver and heart disease, alcohol can also impact your finances, mental health, relationships, work and study. Treatment and support are available.


Learn alcohol facts including health risks and effects, standard drink sizes, how to keep track of your alcohol consumption, drink spiking, how alcohol affects your body and brain, cutting down your alcohol intake and how to drink responsibly.

Where to get support


Research has found e-cigarettes and vapes are unsafe, particularly for young people, and contain harmful chemicals that can impact both mental and physical health outcomes. Vapes come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can look like everyday items including highlighters, pens, or USB memory sticks. Information and support are available to those who vape and their family and friends.


Where to get support


Lung cancer is the most common form of cancer caused by smoking and more than eighty percent of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking. Smoking harms almost every organ of the body, causing many diseases and reducing the general health of people who smoke. Many of the chemicals in cigarettes can cause cancer and others are poisonous.

While the harmful effects on your body and others through secondhand smoke are great reasons to give up smoking there is also the financial benefit. Find out more below if you want to quit or help someone you know stop smoking.



Where to get support

Other drugs

Substance misuse and addiction is a major cause of preventable disease and illness and impacts the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and our community. The health impacts of Illicit drug use include disease, injury, overdose and death. 

Young people are particularly vulnerable as they are susceptible to permanent damage from alcohol and other drug use, as their brains are still developing.

To find out more, see the resources and treatment options below.

Where to get support

What to expect from services

The Victorian Government alcohol and other drug charter and resources provide information about what people can expect from their treatment in these services. It also outlines what is expected of clients and the service providers that provide alcohol and other drug services.

Resources have been developed to explain how alcohol and other drug services work, options for treatment and how to make a complaint. To find out more visit the Department of Health and Human Services website.

If you have a concern or complaint about a healthcare provider contact the Health Complaints Commissioner or call 1300 582 113 for help. The Health Complaints Commissioner provides impartial complaints resolution for all Victorians. The Health Complaints Commissioner can investigate and take action against registered and unregistered health practitioners, including public and private alcohol and other drug service providers. 

Requirements for healthcare providers including private alcohol and other drug treatment services are included in the general Code of Conduct under the Health Complaints Act 2016

More resources and support services

Find a local GP (doctor) 

Ask Izzy — mobile website that connects people who are in crisis with the services they need right now and nearby. 

Better Health Network (BHN) — helpful list of alcohol and other drugs resources and support services. 

Better Health Network — wide range of services to support healthy living, general wellbeing and social connection including alcohol and other drugs services and programs. To find a service near you or book an appointment visit the Better Health Network's Find a service website.

Cancer Council Victoriacancer research, prevention and support.

First Nations Lung Foundation Australia

Headspacehelp for young people with mental health, physical and sexual health, alcohol and other drug services, and work and study support. 

HelloSundayMorning — information and tools to encourage people to change their relationship with alcohol, including a self-assessment.

Kids Helpline — counselling services and facts and guidance for kids, teens, young adults and parents. 

Lung Foundation Australia  — services, events and information 

Positive Choices — online portal that provides evidence-based information and prevention resources for teachers, students and their parents, culturally and linguistically diverse peoples and  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Quit Victoria — a program of Cancer Council Victoria 

Queerspace — LGBTQI+ community counselling, case management, individual advocacy and other support services. 

ReachOut — wide range of online support options for young people 

Self Help Addiction Resource Centre (SHARC) — supports people impacted by alcohol, other drugs and gambling. 

South Eastern Primary Health Unit (SEPHU) — health promotion 

Taskforce Community Agency — alcohol and other drug services and programs

The Alcohol and other Drug Foundation — risks, facts, insights and resources.

The Well — information on reducing alcohol harms. 

Turning Pointaddiction treatment, education and research centre. 

Victoria State Government Department of Health — information on alcohol and other drugs including treatment services 

Women’s Alcohol and Drug Service (WADS) — medical care, counselling and support to women with complex substance use and dependence, assessment, and care of infants exposed to drugs and alcohol during pregnancy. 

Youth Drugs and Alcohol Advice (YoDAA) — access to information, counselling and referral for young people or someone concerned about a relative or friend. 

Support numbers

If you or someone you know is affected by addiction there is support available through telephone and online counselling services for people affected by addiction or are at risk. Listed below are some services that you can access.

If you or someone you know is in danger call 000.

Data resources available on alcohol, smoking, vaping and other drugs

Australian Bureau of Statistics provides information on the National Health Survey (NHS) including alcohol consumption, smoking and vaping.

Australian Government’s Australian Institute of Health and Welfare presents an overview of health in Australia.

AODstats by Turning Point provides information on the harms related to alcohol, illicit and pharmaceutical drug use in Victoria and at a local government area.

Cancer Council Victoria’s Tobacco in Australia is a comprehensive review of the major issues in smoking and health in Australia.

Crime Statistics Agency crime by location. 

The Victorian Population Health Survey (VPHS) provides population health surveillance data at a state and regional level.

Victorian Women’s Health Atlas displays health and social wellbeing indicators by gender at a local government area.

Related resources