Hard rubbish collection update:

We are experiencing delays to our hard rubbish and bundled branch collections (including the collection of Christmas trees) due to many bookings over the holiday period. If your scheduled collection has been impacted, please leave it on your nature strip and it will be collected as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and apologise for any delays.

02 Access to well designed and maintained open spaces and places

Our public open spaces and places support a healthy and connected community and contribute to a more sustainable and vibrant City.

We will focus on proactively acquiring, developing and unlocking public open spaces and places for our residents to support an active, safe and connected community and contribute to a more sustainable and vibrant City

Strategic priorities

  • increase the quantity and quality of public open space for our residents;
  • develop, improve and maintain the amenity of our public places and precincts;
  • provide improved access to a mix of passive and active spaces that are inclusive, fit-for-purpose, flexible and adaptable to meet the needs of our diverse community, now and in the future; and
  • seek innovative approaches to increasing access to open space through partnerships and multi-purpose design and find ways to unlock access to open space owned by others.

Related strategies and plans


We have developed Masterplans for a number of our parks and reserves, as part of a commitment to upgrade ageing infrastructure and provide future focus for our open space. Consideration is given to how parks function as a whole, and how different elements combine to best provide for our ever-changing and growing community.

Open space

Glen Eira has the lowest amount of open space within any Victorian municipality. That's why we manage parks to balance the need of all community users — all while providing high quality facilities with a diverse array of opportunities.