Hard rubbish online bookings and Near me are currently unavailable.

To make a hard rubbish booking, contact us on 9524 3333. For Near me visit our online mapping tool. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

Recycling and waste resources

All of your recycling and waste resources in one place.

On this page

Waste and recycling mail-out

Our waste mail-out for 2024-25 is now available. You can view and download the contents below. Additional hard-copy mail-outs are available at our Town Hall Service Centre.

Recycling and waste guides

The Recycling and waste handbook is a handy guide to all of your waste services. It includes information about recycling, what goes in each bin, hard rubbish collections and how to reduce waste. The digital handbook is available to download or contact us for a physical copy:

Recycling posters and brochures

Looking for a quick guide to what goes in each bin or something to stick on the fridge as a reminder? Check out our range of recycling posters that are available to download and print:

Bin signs for apartments 

We've made a range of signs to help with recycling and waste sorting in apartments. These can be useful for apartment blocks that are not serviced by Council and have different recycling collections through a private contractor.

Use these signs in your bin room and by garbage chutes to help people know what goes where:

Apartments without green bins or food recycling

Apartments with green bins and food recycling

Other collections

Chute signs

Check your bin days

The bin collection calendar shows you what day your bins are emptied. Use the calendar to see whether it is yellow recycling week or red general waste week. Your green food and garden waste bin is collected every week to help recycle food waste. You can also search your address to see your next bin days, visit the Near me page.

How to read the Australasian Recycling Label (ARL)

The Australasian Recycling Label (ARL) is an evidenced-based recycling label to help you know if packaging can be recycled or not. The ARL shows you what to do with mixed packaging and specifies how to best dispose of each part. Check out this poster and fact sheet for an easy guide or learn more about reading the labels on the ARL website.

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